Supper Club, Nov 23: Thanksgiving at Follies

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My first supper club has come and gone, hopefully leaving all the guests feeling like they couldn’t eat another bite, but leaving me hungry for another and another and another wonderful event where I can cook great food for people and watch them mingling and enjoying the company of their fellow diners. The next opportunity is already booked into the calendar and the preparation is well underway.

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Christmas Fizz-tivities: Wine and Bubbles under £10

If any of you have read the disclaimer on my Drink page, you’ll know that I don’t claim to know anything about wine. That being said, we drink a fair bit of the stuff and I’m always eager for wine recommendations that I can easily find (i.e. wines carried in the major supermarkets as we don’t have a Majestic or Oddbins anywhere nearby – and don’t even talk to me about BevMo, the nearest one is approximately 5,000 miles door to door). This doesn’t mean I’m after mass-produced £3 bottles of plonk, there are surprisingly good wines available in the likes of Sainsbury’s, Asda, Lidl and Aldi and those are what this post is all about.

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A day to give thanks wherever you are

I’ll come straight out and say it: this post has no recipes. But I couldn’t just sit aside and watch Thanksgiving come and go without taking a minute to wish all of you a very happy Thanksgiving. I hope your day, wherever you are, is full of family and friends, love and laughter and delicious home made food.

Thanksgiving may be a predominantly North American holiday, but what it stands for is something that people all over the world should celebrate. And although for many of us food is the way we show our love for our friends and family, Thanksgiving isn’t just about turkey and stuffing. It’s about taking a step back and realizing how lucky we really are.

So take a day out of your life to appreciate what you have, who you love and who loves you. Sit around the table with those you hold dear and just be thankful for all the wonderful events and people that make up your life.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Image above from simply_kumquat via Flickr